Sapna Debnath
6 min readAug 1, 2020



Well, much have been said on this subject as to how to control Anger, Anxiety, peace of mind etc.,

We, as a society, have always been told that being Angry is normal. Its human to get Angry. This is a wrong belief system that has been developed by the society over the years and we never questioned this thought that whether being angry is Normal?

Some also say that we get angry on only the one whom we love! But is that true?

There are repercussions and consequences of Anger. When we are angry on anyone, are we not doing a permanent damage to that person’s self-confidence? Are we not trying to kill the right expression of that person? Yes we are, then why do it.

At the same time what is the damage we are doing to ourselves? We are killing our own peace of mind, the guilt associated with the expression of Anger. Many a times Anger can be self-inflicting or are harmful.

Anger also impacts our physical health. Anger leads to Anxiety, Strokes, heart related ailments and many other health issues.

If we analyse, we will understand that Anger is a way of controlling the behavior of others and getting things done our way. Think about it.

Fine, so here they are, the 7 tried and tested TIPS on how to control Anger and Anxiety, much to an extent of reducing the frequency of it and also how to stay happy. You can try all of these or least start with 1 and gradually move on to the next.

Control over Anger and Anxiety is a journey which when started once needs to be continued to be able to manage the thoughts and life.

Note: you will have to practice this for at least 21 days. The reason 21 days is because, if you want to form a habit then practice it for 21 days continuously and it will become a part of your DNA.


This one is a quick fix and always works. Whenever you are Angry and feel like you want to explode, first and foremost, try and grab a place to sit. If its not available, fine. Sit or stand wherever and take deep breaths at the count of 1 to 10. Take deep breath, inhaleeeee and exhaleeee. Inhaleee the oxygen of peace and patience and exhale the heat of the anger and disliking of the current situation. Practice this atleast for 10 to 15 times. You will realise that with every inhale, you are filling the oxygen of peace inside you, and with every exhale, your nerves are getting calmer and calmer. Your heartbeat is getting under control. By the time you reach the count of 15, you are fine and in control of yourself.

Now, think of all the things you were thinking while you were Angry. Were they good and appropriate? If no, then discard the thoughts and move on.


Yogasanas are tested remedies for controlling Anger. People who regularly follow yogasanas are in much better control of their physical and mental health.

According to a study published in Frontiers In Psychology, practicing yoga helps control Anger and improve the impulses that surround Anger.

There are various Yogasana poses which you can try and will work if practiced regularly.


Begin by sitting on the floor with both legs folded and both hands relaxed. Place your right-hand thumb on your right nostril and inhale slowly from left nostril. Now place your third finger on left nostril and exhale slowly from right nostril. Again, hold your left nostril with the third finger and inhale from right nostril and Place your hand index finger on your right nostril and exhale slowly. Practice this for atleast 10 times.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Begin by kneeling on the floor with your hips stacked over your knees. Place your palms against your low back, bringing your elbows in toward the centre of your back. Begin to gently press your hips forward as you lift from the chest and gaze towards the ceiling.

Stay there for five deep breaths. Once done, come relax position slowly and rest your seat to your heels. Bring your hands into your lap and sit quietly with your eyes open breathing deeply for another 5–10 breaths.


Begin with lying down on the floor on your back with your legs extended long and arms by your sides with your palms facing up. Eyes closed, breathe naturally and allow your body to sink into the rhythm — feel every part of your body starting your forehead, eyes, nose, ears, neck, heartbeat, arms till your toe finger.


Practicing meditation is another way of controlling Anger and Anxiety. Meditating for a minimum of 20 minutes daily is sufficient for the entire day.

Find a calm corner in your house, away from noise and distraction where you can sit daily and practice meditation.

If you have never practiced meditation before, not to worry. Find your corner which you have dedicated for Meditation and start with Inhale and exhale exercise. There are many guided meditation commentaries available on Youtube which you can use to start and practice meditation.

4. FIND THE REASON OF UNHAPPINESS IN YOUR LIFE: Now this one is the most important and we cannot ignore this. There are many times in our life when we are unhappy with certain things which are not in our control, the reasons can be many like things not moving as we had planned or the circumstances not under our control. We are unhappy with the outcome of the situation and we lose hope and are depressed and the outburst of this is often in the form of Anger. We are angry at the situation and it kind of becomes our nature since we are not able to help ourselves. Things happening in our Career, relationships or finance or anything for that matter.

If we want to manage our life, then we need to look for these trigger points that is causing the Anger and try and resolve it. If we cannot resolve it then as least try and minimize the effect on ourselves and our relationship.

Practicing Meditation will help accept the things, calm our mind and find a solution to the issue.

5. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS AND EXPRESS GRATITUDE: Whenever we are unhappy, we remember of all the bad things happening to us, things that are not going as planned, the failures in Career or in Relationship. This is my personal experience , count on your Blessings and Express Gratitude. Take this exercise, make a list of all the good things that has happened in your life, be it as small as your mother making your favourite meal or as big as a birth of your child and express gratitude to this Universe to make it happen to you. Once you take this exercise you will remember and realise that the count of blessings is your life is much more than the failures in your life and your reason for unhappiness and Anger will fade away.

6. START A NEW HABIT: It is always good to start something new. Make time for yourself , start a new habit. You can decide to wake up early in the morning before everyone wakes up, brew a cup of your favourite coffee, walk in the garden, listen to the birds chirping or listen to your favourite music or jot down your thoughts on your diary, this one is my favourite haha and many more things. The simple things that gives you happiness. This exercise will give you time to be with yourself and to think of things for yourself. These small things will immensely change your perspective towards life.

7. Develop a Hobby: Its never too late to learn a new hobby, that fashion design course that you always wanted to do or go for Trekking or start painting or photography or anything that you love to do. Make some time for yourself, a Me Time. These things will keep you positive and happy and your reasons for getting Angry will be at bay.

These are my experiences and suggestions. Let me know if I have not mentioned any points which you feel it is important. I would love to hear if any of this worked for you.

